Food colors appears to be organic if you seek into the raw materials like fruits and vegetables. These colors are more vibrant and appealing to the eye. Although it provides extra nutrition to the body itself. But nowadays organic food colors are being manufactured and used in confectionery and bakery, and for other purposes as well. To know why these Organic Food Colors are important to you and your health, let’s make headway to know the benefits.
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Yellow and Orange
Colours like yellow and orange always seem to attract others especially when it comes to fruits and vegetables. When you go to the market and look at these colours, you want to buy them.
These types of fruits are highly rich in beta-carotene which then convert into Vitamin A. This specific vitamin is exceptionally good for your body and helps improve your vision. Moreover, it is best to keep your skin healthy and also beneficial for your bones and teeth.
They do contain an anti-oxidant in the folate which is used to prevent defects of neural tube in unborn infants. Such pigments are found in vegetables or foods like carrot, orange and yellow bell peppers, papaya, pumpkin, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, and corn.
Food that contains green pigment is always said to be Vitamin K enriched. Vitamin K helps your body to clot blood properly that means it is effective for platelets. For instance, a 2-cup serving of spinach 200+ micrograms of Vitamin K according to your need each day.
The best thing about green pigmented food is that it keeps you away from innumerable diseases and lowers the risk of chronic diseases as it produces antioxidants and vitamins like E and C to refrain from other health problems.
They also contain zeaxanthin, phytonutrients lutein, and antioxidants that are good for the retina of your eyes. Green foods like Spinach, broccoli, collard greens, celery peas, asparagus, fenugreek, kiwi, zucchini, and green apples are a good source.
Purple and Blue
These organic colours contain anthocyanins which is known to be a natural plant pigment. With anti oxidising properties, risk of cardiovascular disease becomes reduced.
These also have the two most important compounds including ellagic acid, and flavonoids that help destroy cancer cells. Research has manifested multiple evidence regarding blueberries to be actively killing cancer cells in the stomach, lungs, pancreas, and breast as well.
Eating fruits or vegetables having blue or purple colour can be a good sign when it comes to your health as these compounds are not only found in vegetables or fruits but also in purple cabbages, eggplants, purple onions, purple peppers, blueberries, black/purple grapes, purple sweet potatoes, and cranberries, etc.
Red colour always shines bright from miles away. Its charm increases by 2x when you get to behold vegetables or fruits. Red pigmented food is likely to be enriched in lycopene antioxidants and anthocyanins. These both are found in red peppers, raspberries, watermelons, kidney beans, tomatoes, strawberries, guavas, cherries, beets, and cabbages etc.
A typical potato has 3.2 micrograms of lycopene also classified as a carotenoid which helps make a handsome amount of Vitamin A. You will be protected from external or internal diseases if your intake of red food is sufficient enough. Red coloured food also has phytonutrient which is an antioxidant that keeps you away from prostate cancer.
They also contain anthocyanins which is a flavonoid that helps boost up your body’s immunity which automatically reduces risk of various diseases. They may provide protection to Urinary Tract and make your memory strong.
Foods containing more whites are high in dietary fibre and provide protection against high cholesterol. Fruits and vegetables such as Pears, cauliflowers, Apples, white onions, bananas, cucumbers, and mushrooms etc are rich in antioxidant flavonoids. To reduce the risk of stroke, increase the intake of pears and apples as these have quercetin which is a flavonoid. People having maximum intake of white vegetables and fruits are more prone to be protected from heart stroke. Chances are better for health and wellbeing as white pigmented food activates the killer cells of the immune system that helps reduce the risk of multiple cancers.