The Klingon warrior uses a curious mixture of extremely sophisticated armament, combined with ancient traditional weapons.
Disrupter Pistol/Rifle: Phase-disrupter energy weapon. Before the alliance with the Federation, the disruptor weapons were not equiped with a stun setting. But since treaty stipulations require it, all disruptor weapons now have a stun setting, although it is not necessarily set on stun.
d’k tahg Klingon Knife: Traditional Klingon warrior’s knife. A vicious, three-bladed weapon, the d’k tahg is commonly used in hand-to-hand combat, as well as in many ceremonies. The Klingon knife, first used to kill David Marcus in Star Trek III, was designed by Phil Norwood. It was also seen in “The Bonding” and several later episodes. It was given a name in “Birthright, Part II”. When it was used for the Next Generation, the original prop was not available, so Rick Sternbach duplicated the design for the show’s prop makers, using a Star Trek trading card for reference. The favored weapon of most Klingon officers, it is a dual-bladed weapon, with two spring loaded blades that can be released by pressing a button in the hilt. Usually the blades are released once the weapon has been inserted into flesh, and then twisted, creating more damage to the opponent. Usually a knife like this will cause immediate death, but if it doesn’t, it requires a medical doctor to cut it out. The pommel also becomes a deadly weapon, since spikes usually protrude from it.
Agonizer: The Agonizer is primarily used for interrogations, and sometimes used for disciplinary reasons. It is almost always carried by the commanding officer of a ship or base, and is usually carried by marines. The Agonizer disrupts major nerve systems in the body, while neurological stimulation prevents unconciousness. Settings on the Agonizer range from mild discomfort, to excrutiating agony.
Trefoil: Trefoils are an ancient weapon, which originate deep in Klingon culture. Whether the trefoils inspired the current symbol of the Klingon Empire, or if said symbol inspired the trefoils, but the visual relation is obvious. Warriors learn to use Trefoils as an extension of their hand. The Trefoil is an excellent parrying weapon, and used in different configurations, can provide unique forms of attack.
Machete: A large heavy knife with a broad blade, used as a weapon and for cutting vegatation. The machete is also used for on-the-spot executions.
Throwing Knives And Assassins’ Darts: Throwing knives and assassin’s darts are usually small, functional weapons, designed for maximum velocity, accuracy and penetration. Both are kept razor sharp, and usually have an inner compartment filled with poison, which will be excreted upon impact. Some darts can be fired from launchers, for greater range and accuracy. Bladed and edged weapons are part of a Klingon’s everyday life. A Klingon feels vulnerable, even naked, without a knife. Some Klingons of higher status even choose to carry swords, among other weapons. These weapons are all hand made, and they are all symbols of ones status in his family line, sometimes being centuries old.
bat’telh: The Bat’telh is the traditional “sword of honor” resembling a meter-long two-ended scimitar. The Bat’telh was carried along the inside of the arm and controlled by two handholds located on the outside edge of the weapon. Oral history of the sword holds that it was forged when Kahless the Unforgettable dropped a lock of his hair in the lava from the Kri’stak Volcano and then plunged the burning lock into the lake of Lusar and twisted it into a blade. After forging the weapon, he used it to kill the tyrant Molor and named it the “bat’telh”, sword of honor. The tale of the sword was never recorded in the sacred texts. Rather it was passed down verbally among the High Clerics. The retelling of the tale was to be test of Kahless’s return, as only he and the High Clerics would know the story.
kut’luch: A bladed weapon used by Klingon assassins. The kut’luch had a serated blade and mades a very serious wound.