Pre-HistoryArchaeological records indicate that the first Klingon societies developed around the small lakes that were left after the passing of the asteroid. According to the fragments of pottery found, and the patterns of injuries of the fossilized skeletons found, it seems that early Klingon society was filled with war and hunt games. Many theories have suggested that since the Klingon race was dominant after the development of weapons, these games may have, however unconsciously, developed as a form of population check. This theory is supported by the probability that, since the Klingons controlled the major water supplies, they killed the animals that came to drink. Klingons had a steady water supply and because of that a steady food supply. Therefore, their population would naturally soon outgrow the water supply. Given the aggressive Klingon psyche, the development of war games is a feasible theory for population control. Other archaeological evidence suggests that at this time Klingons were still in a hunter-gatherer stage with very little specialization or division of labor. Everyone was expected to gather and carry what they gathered while they hunted and to hunt while they gathered. Women were partially exempt after they began to bear children. Even after bearing children they hunted some and gathered much although their effective range was limited to immediately around the settlement. They were only able to kill the small animals that came near, not the larger game that occasionally carried off three or four adults in a hunt. As soon as the child could start picking berries, he also gathered. As the child got older the mother would leave him for longer and longer periods of time to gather, kill, and fend for himself. Some children were lost this way, but for most young Klingons it was a sort of tempering by fire. It was at this stage that the collective Klingon psyche developed its respect for independence and self-reliance.