~ Reprinted here with permission from Ex Astris Scientia
Interview: Page 4 of 4the shaft, acting as shelves. Once a cargo container has reached the desired shelf, it may be given a push, and rollers on the floor would take over the their weight in the gravity well of the deck. 150ft robot arms may be deployed to pull the containers into the ship.
There are two of them and they egress through the cargo doors which allow them ready access to the top and bottom of the saucer. The arms are ambulatory and can ride the grid on the ship’s surface. The ship also has inspection cars that ride these same rails. Real-life contemporary counterparts can be seen crawling along the surfaces of modern skyscrapers.
Sensors Sensor pallets are located next to the deflector dish, just forward of the port and starboard saucer airlocks, behind the bridge, forward of the shuttlebays and on the back of the symmetrical warp field governor. The domes on the top and the bottom of the saucer are perimeter and planetary sensors.
Engineering EV Staging Area The EV staging area is located at the back of the saucer, with equipment still to be determined. The inspection pod that Archer and Tucker used in “Broken Bow” is stored here too. Like the one next to the lower shuttlebay, there is an observation room above the EV staging area.
Note According to “Terra Nova”, Enterprise is supposed to have no more than two shuttlecraft. Doug explains: “In my opinion we have two pods that are on ‘hot standby,’ and two more that are ‘mothballed’ and can be made good to go in two days working normal shifts, one day working double shifts.”